One of the biggest elements of a customer’s experience is their ability to comfortably and safely find their way around your facility. From the time they enter your front door to the time they leave they should be able to find directional information. Here are a few tips for helping visitors to your business get to where they are going.
Location of Wayfinding Signage
Identifying the most useful areas of your property to place directional and wayfinding signs is the first step. High-traffic areas, buildings with several destinations, and large campuses should have several informational points. Symbols, pictographs, and color coding are helpful strategies that can make your visitors more comfortable and confident in navigating your property.
Creative Directional Signs
While wayfinding signage is essential, it doesn’t have to be boring. Key placement is critical for it to be effective, but it is also an opportunity to incorporate your branding and culture, not only for your visitors but also for your employees. Take advantage of valuable real estate like large blank walls, windows, floors, and elevators. Also, have your sign production partner use your colors, logos, and other branding assets on each sign. This is a great way to extend, expand, and reinforce your business.
Simple and Effective Wayfinding Signs
First and foremost, wayfinding signs need to be easy to read and understand. The information of who, what, and where needs to be clear and concise. Keep directional signals, directories, and other location information as simple as possible. Alphabetical organization, large, blunt arrows, and clear labels for floors, wings, levels, and offices can make it easier for your visitors to find their way around your complex.
For over 20 years the expert staff at Latch-On Productions have been helping Baton Rouge businesses and organizations with all of their signage needs.