LED signage can be an eye-catching, attention-grabbing asset for your business. However, in order to get the most out of your company’s signs you need the experience and expertise of a sign production company. From design to installation there are many things to consider in order to maximize your signage’s effectiveness and how it represents your brand.
LED Sign Location
Placing your sign as close to the street as possible is beneficial. With the right shape, size, colors, and message length you can capitalize on your exposure to potential customers and clients. When deciding on a spot for your sign be sure to look at it from every angle. A spot may be perfect from one vantage point but could be obstructed from another direction, cutting your potential audience in half.
LED Sign Colors
When it comes to selecting the colors for your business’ LED sign, color is critical to ensure that can be seen and read. Contrasting colors can make your sign easy to read and stand out. Dark backgrounds and light lettering, or the opposite should be your goal. Red and white, yellow and black, and dark blues and light gray all complement each other well. Matching these light and dark colors to your logo can further enhance your branding.
LED Sign Size
One of the biggest benefits of an LED sign is the ability to share information. However, this information needs the ability to be easily read and understood; making the size of the LED significant. In order to ensure that your text can be read from a variety of distances and angles, you should have one inch of height for every 10 feet of viewing distance. A mixed-case sign that uses both capital and lower-case letters can make for easier reading. White space is also critical for readability. Visual clutter can be avoided by leaving 30 to 40 percent alone, meaning larger signs are needed for more area.
LED Sign Length
Keep the messages on your LED sign short and concise. Say what needs to be said as efficiently as possible. Using unnecessary language can quickly eat up your sign’s real estate. Shorter headlines and phrases make it easier for everyone to read, and more importantly understand as they pass your business.
For over 20 years the expert staff at Latch-On Productions has been helping business owners in the Baton Rouge area with all of their signage needs.